Wednesday, January 28, 2009

JEMS State of the Science 2009

The Journal of Emergency Medical Services (JEMS) has a great supplement for download on their website. Called "State of the Science 2009," the 32-page insert has great articles on CPR, the changing roles of MS, lasix, and beta-blockers, the wide spread use of field 12-leads, research into hypothermic induction in a cardiac arrest, and other topics. You can find it on the JEMS website here. Look for the Download This Supplement link near the bottom of the page.


PDXMedic said...

That was a pretty awesome insert. Admittedly it makes me want to work in one of the systems that does TH and intranasal meds and all that, but it's still pretty awesome. I think all the changes in EMS that are evidence-based are really exciting.